
Children's and family playgrounds

From the company of Children’s and Family Games and Playgrounds “El Pájaro, Jocs”, we have different collections of large format games that offer fun and entertainment for different age ranges and purposes. One of our goals is to offer spaces where the whole family can be involved, sharing and dialoguing through play. Using it as a valid communication skill.

Children's and family playgrounds

From the company of Children’s and Family Games and Playgrounds “El Pájaro, Jocs”, we have different collections of large format games that offer fun and entertainment for different age ranges and purposes. One of our goals is to offer spaces where the whole family can be involved, sharing and dialoguing through play. Using it as a valid communication skill.

El Pajaro Jocs

Who we are ...

After a long journey researching and creating, designing and building, inventing and imagining children’s teaching material, under the name “El Pájaro Carpintero”, one good day came the opportunity to make an exchange by setting up an installation at a children’s playground.

After the rewarding experience, a new world was opened to me, that of the game facilities on the street. This is how I became interested in these new large format materials and started to design, not only new pieces, but new play spaces.

Currently from the company of children’s and family facilities “El Pájaro Jocs”, we have created different collections of large-format games that offer fun and entertainment for different age groups. One of our goals is to offer spaces where the whole family can participate, share and dialogue, through playing. Making the play act a language by itself.

The exciting path that fortunately we begin in 2010 with the construction of the first pieces of wood for children’s teaching material, seems to be taking new forms with the current large-format game installations, and its essence remains as intense as the first day, accompanying us in this dream come true.

What moves us ...

There are different reasons why I started to develop an interest in the facilities of street playgrounds, beyond the nostalgia of a time gone by. One of them is the interest in reviving a search for the essence of the game, and the social fact that it means for the great human community.

Another reason that moves this project, is the recovery of public space: the square, the street … that belongs to the peopl. There can people, as an active community of a society, express themselves and relate, debate the day to day of the reality that lives in every corner of our society.

I understand the game as a tool that helps us express ourselves through our language with those who are close to us, as well as intergenerationally related (perhaps this is one of the most important reasons).

The game is synonymous with recreation, fun, joy and, at the same time, is a tool for exchanging knowledge, feelings, information, emotions, sights …

The street is a public space and the game is a cultural good for all ages, the combination of the two is a socio-cultural good, which will improve relations between humans as inhabitants of a society.

Once the public space has been reclaimed with a presence, and not a virtual one, let the game begin !!

Social values

The fact of playing conveys the value of the immaterial, the game for the game, the pleasure of playing. It causes direct communication between one, two, or more people, regardless of gender or age. The concentration on the here and now, makes us live the present intensely. At that moment, nothing is more important than hitting the blank, or solving the quiz, or encouraging the partner. Seen this way, it is a very beneficial tool when it comes to creating group dynamics, in terms of personal self-improvement, in group cohesion, as to help overcome all the barriers that sometimes prevent human beings from being free.

The fact that it can be played on the street is still a major advantage when it comes to sharing this moment so joyful, magical and special with people that maybe we don’t know or would never have known, quickly and by magic it generates the dialogue through play, and we’re set to go. It’s so easy to get a smile, a hug, which, I think, is one of the keys to getting closer to the happiness and joy of living.

I do not want to forget the importance of promoting traditional street play for the elderly, as an integrating element of this collective, often forgotten without realizing it. It is incredible to see the amount of battly tales that arise once they see the material unfolding in the street or the square, and they can enjoy this memory that transports them on a journey full of adventures.
Therefore, it is highly recommended to share a time of play with those we love most, and it will have very beneficial effects on our relationship with others.

